On 26 February, Ambassador Nitivadee Manitkul as the Thai Ambassador to Iceland with residence in Oslo joined with the other Ambassadors to Iceland in Oslo to attend the meeting with H.E. Ms. Kristrún Frostadóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland at the residence of Ambassador of Iceland in Oslo. In the remarks of Prime Minister of Iceland, she briefed on her new government's policy on many issues relating to geo-politics, geo-economics, Ukraine, migration as well as Iceland's approach with EU.
After the briefing, Ambassador Nitivadee had an opportunity to introduce herself and talked in brief with the Prime Minister on the success of Thailand-EFTA FTA signing as well as the milestone of 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Iceland in 2025. Ambassador Nitivadee also mentioned about the Thai community in Iceland. All these three issues were pleased by the Prime Minister of Iceland.