วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 1 Sep 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 18 Mar 2024

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Military Service Deferment

According to the Military Service Act, B.E. 2497 (amended Section 7), any Thai males reaching the age of 18 are required to enlist in Thailand’s military personnel and may attend a selective process of military conscription at recruitment centres at the age of 21. The law applies to all men holding Thai nationality, both residing in Thailand and abroad. Any Thai male with several citizenships, holding Thai birth certificate is obliged by law to undergo conscription.

Violation of conscription rules and obligations is against the law and may subject to a penalty of a fine or imprisonment, or both. Thai men who are obligated to be drafted in the military shall report to the recruitment officer (the Sassadee) at their local district office immediately.

Conscription procedures for Thai male citizens living abroad

  • Every Thai male must enlist in the military personnel at the local district office within January to December of the year he turns 17 years of age, in order to obtain a Registration Status Certificate (Sor Dor 9).  He can likewise authorise a legal person to perform the enlistment on his behalf. Failing to enlist in the military personnel is against conscription.

     - Please contact the local district office for required documents for authorisation. The information about a power of attorney and online booking can be found at https://rteoslo.as.me/legalisation

  • A liable conscript must obtain a Notice of Military Service Call (Sor Dor 35) at his local district office within January to December of the year he turns 20 years old. He can likewise authorise a legal person to obtain the notice on his behalf.

     - Please contact the local district office for required documents for authorisation. The information about a power of attorney and online booking can be found at https://rteoslo.as.me/legalisation 

  • In the year a conscript reaches the age of 21, he must attend military recruitment which takes place once a year during 1 – 12 April. Not attending military service selection is against conscription. Military service can be postponed for males who are studying abroad. Parents or legal guardians must submit a request for deferment to the local district office. Required documents and procedures are as follows:


Required documents for legalisation at the Thai Embassy

1. A Request Form of Legalisation (please download at bit.ly/3MxREMB)

2. A valid passport and 2 photocopies

3. A valid Thai identification card and 2 photocopies

4. 2 photocopies of Thai House registration

5. Confirmation of student status issued by educational institutions

Student status must be confirmed in written in English and accompanied by 2 copies of a full Thai language translation (the document can be translated and signed by the conscript and submitted for certification and legalisation at the Royal Thai Embassy)

Student status certificate must include:

        1. Student’s name and surname as shown on Thai passport
        2. Name of educational institution and address
        3. Academic year
        4. Major subject, e.g., engineering, social sciences, economics, or languages
        5. Date of admission
        6. Expected date of graduation

6. 2 photocopies of Registration Status Certificate (Sor Dor 9)

7. 2 photocopies of Notice of Military Service Call (Sor Dor 35)


  • Please send the required documents to the Royal Thai Embassy at [email protected] and write in the subject line of the email “A request for military deferment certificate for Mr. (name of the conscript). Once document review is completed, the Embassy will contact the conscript to arrange an appointment to submit original documents and obtain the Embassy’s letter requested for military service deferment for the conscript with certified documents (the document review may take up to 4 weeks).

  • The Royal Thai Embassy in Oslo recommends that individuals requesting military service exemption must submit their exemption request documents before the end of January each year. This recommendation is made due to the Embassy receives a significant number of exemption requests towards the end of the year. If applicants submit their exemption requests close to the deadline, the Embassy will be unable to issue the certification letter in time for the military selection process.

  • If a conscript cannot submit a request for deferment to the local district office in Thailand by himself, he is required to make a power of attorney witnessed and legalised by the Embassy, send the power of attorney together with the abovementioned documents to the authorised person to act on his behalf.

  • After the deferment is approved by Thai relevant authorities concerned (The Embassy is not an authorised agency for the military service deferment), the conscript will receive “Military Deferment Document (Sor Dor 41)”. Once the deferment period ends, a conscript must appear in person at the District Chief Officer’s office to take part in the conscription.


150 Norwegian Kroner for the document’s legalisation in cash only