วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 30 Jun 2021

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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1. What is Phuket Sandbox?

A tourism-promotion scheme that allows fully vaccinated travelers to enter Phuket, Thailand, without quarantine, subject to conditions below.

2. Eligible travellers
• Both non-Thais and Thais are eligible.

• Must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) or Ministry of Public Health of Thailand no less than 14 days before departure. Travelers must show Certificate of Vaccination issued by a government authority.

• Children under the age of 18, traveling with guardians, who have been fully vaccinated, are eligible without proof of vaccination. In case of the child/children under the age of 18  traveling without guardians, the child/children must be fully vaccinated for 14 days prior to the departure to Phuket.

• Must come from countries considered as low/medium-risk areas by the Thai Government. At present, travelers from Norway and Iceland are eligible. Travelers must, however, be in these eligible countries for at least 21 consecutive days. Thai nationals, traveling with Thai passports are exempted from the above-mentioned requirement.

• Must have health insurance that covers treatment and medical expenses in relation to COVID-19, with a minimum coverage of 100,000 USD for the total duration of stay in Thailand.
>> https://covid19.tgia.org/

3. Conditions
– Must stay at a hotel that meets the “SHA+” standard for at least 14 nights, unless travelers have proof of return tickets leaving Phuket (to another country) before 14 days. After the 7 consecutive nights in one “SHA+” standard hotel, the travelers may continue their 8-14 nights in another or different “SHA+” standard hotels. Confirmed payment for the stay in “SHA+” standard hotels (within Phuket only) for all 14 nights must be attached in the COE´s application system.

– Confirmation of “SHA+” hotel booking must be issued under the SHABA system (SHA Plus Booking Authentication system) or booking under http://entrythailand.go.th/

– After 14 days, traveling to other parts of Thailand is allowed. Departure earlier than 14 days is possible only for destinations outside of Thailand. In this case, travelers must attach confirmed outbound tickets from Phuket International Airport in the COE´s application system. Domestic transit is not allowed.

• COVID-19 tests

– Travelers must present RT-PCR negative test results issued no more than 72 hours before departure to Thailand.

– Upon entry, travelers will have to undergo three COVID-19 tests at (1) on the day of arrival (2) on the 6/7 day after arrival (3) on the 12/13 day after arrival. The receipt of pre-paid booking for COVID-19 test at certified medical institution must be attached in the COEs application system along with other relevant documents.

• Journey-tracing application
– Travelers must download and use the journey-tracing application as prescribed by the Thai Government throughout the 14 days in Phuket, otherwise, they may not be allowed to leave Phuket to other parts of Thailand after 14 days.

4. How to apply for COE
– Travelers under “Phuket Sandbox” programme must apply for a Certificate of Entry (COE), like all other travelers, via https://coethailand.mfa.go.th/ from 28 June 2021 (for entry to Thailand from 1 July 2021 onwards)

Further details of the “Phuket Sandbox” programme will be provided once the relevant orders/regulations are published in the Royal Gazette.

Disclaimer: the above information is subject to change without prior notice.

Other relevant information

1. Travellers who plan to travel to other parts of Thailand after completing 14-day quarantine at their ASQ/ALQ facilities are advised to study the latest travel/health measures imposed by the provincial authorities of their respective destinations. For the latest measures, please visit: http://moicovid.com/map.html

2. Flight canceled? Please contact us for a revised COE. Travelers who have received COEs but have to change plan due to flight cancellation should write to [email protected] (For non-Thai citizens) or [email protected] (For Thai citizens) They will be given special access to their old accounts on the COE application platform to amend flight/ASQ details and re-apply for a new COE.

